To see all of Pastor Chip Moore’s sermons, go to www.youtube.com and search for Chipper Moore or Fairacres Baptist Church
February 23, 2023
December 29, 2024
Dear Viewers,
Thank you for checking in! The Lord is doing a mighty work at Fairacres. Bro. James Underwood and Travis Simpson will be delivering the messages until the end of March. Pastor Chip hopes to be back by the end of March ~ Praise the Lord!
Happy New Year, Viewers:
If you were not able to attend the Lord’s Supper, you missed a blessing. Bro. Chip lead the observance as he hoped he would. God is really blessing His Church. This week, Bro. Jim Houser will be bringing God’s Word to us. We would love to see you here!
December 22, 2024
Dear Viewers,
God loves us so much that He sent is only son to be born on Earth. The story of the baby Jesus is common to those of us who believe God’s promise to reconcile with his people (you and me). As you celebrate Christ’s birth, please remember the amazing sacrifice God provided for our sins. If you have not asked God to forgive your sins, and asked Jesus to come into your heart, please reach out to us at our email (fairacresbaptist@yahoo.com). One of us will contact you to introduce you to Jesus, our Savior. If you have asked Jesus into your heart, please find a place to worship. Reach out to us or another Christian church so that you can grow in Christ.
We are hoping that Bro. Chip will begin taping sermons again, soon. He plans to attend the Lord’s Supper Observance on Christmas Eve (5 p.m. at the church, 5100 W. Picacho). God really does answer prayers! Please consider joining us as we remember Jesus’ sacrifice and His birth.
December 15, 2024
November 24, 2024
Dear Viewers,
God answers prayers! Bro. Chip is walking with a walker, and doing much better. We (Brother Chip & Miss Yvette) are so grateful for our Fairacres Baptist family!
This Sunday, Bro. Luis Olmos, BCNM Regional Missionary, will bring us God’s Word. We would love for you to worship with us.
Please pray about what God wants you to give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. You can read more about the offering on the “Get Involved” page.
Don’t forget about the Lord’s Supper Observance on Christmas Eve at 5 pm. We hope to have a special guest.
Dear Viewers,
Thank you for your prayers! God is faithful! The process of healing can be slow. Pastor Chip prays for you as he continues to heal. We cannot always see what God has in mind in our lives, but we know that He is in control! We will be blessed this Sunday when Bro. Jim Houser brings God’s Word to us. We also have a Church-wide Thanksgiving Dinner after worship. Please join us!
September 8, 2024
September 1, 2024
August 25, 2024
August 18, 2024