Get Involved
What should I expect when I visit?
Fairacres Baptist is a traditional Southern Baptist church, with a friendly congregation and warm country atmosphere, serving the Las Cruces, Fairacres, and Picacho Hills communities. We invite you and your family to join us for worship this Sunday. The mission of Fairacres Baptist Church is to share the love of Jesus in order to see people saved and lives changed. You might find God’s calling for you here.
Bible Study
Following worship, you can attend one of our many Sunday School (Bible Study) classes. We have classes from nursery age to mature adult classes. Our Sunday School teachers use literature from Lifeway.
Following worship, you can attend one of our many Sunday School (Bible Study) classes. We have classes from nursery age to mature adult classes. Our Sunday School teachers use literature from Lifeway.
Fairacres Baptist is a mission-minded church. We support Cooperative Program giving opportunities. The first Sunday of the month, we have birthday recognition (a penny for each year of age) and send that offering to the Baptist Children’s Home in Portales, NM. We will also have a special collection for the Children in November.
Fairacres Baptist is a mission-minded church. We support Cooperative Program giving opportunities. The first Sunday of the month, we have birthday recognition (a penny for each year of age) and send that offering to the Baptist Children’s Home in Portales, NM. We will also have a special collection for the Children in November.
The Annie Armstrong Easter is coming up in March. The monies given to this offering support missions in North America (US & Canada). Pray about what God wants you to give.
Kids WOW
Kids WOW is our children’s bible study that occurs the 2nd Wednesday of the month. We have classes for nursery, children, and youth! Supper is provided.

Young Adult Bible Study
While the children are WOWing, parents are invited to grow in Christ through Bible study.
While the children are WOWing, parents are invited to grow in Christ through Bible study.
Music Ministry
Fairacres is a music loving church. From hymns to high-brow, you will hear it here. Our choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 to work on special music.
Fairacres is a music loving church. From hymns to high-brow, you will hear it here. Our choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 to work on special music.
Women’s Brunch
On the first Saturday of each month, there will be a women’s brunch. Bring friends and enjoy a devotional and fellowship. The Brunch is held on the first Saturday of each month. See the Calendar for more information.
Prayers & Squares
The Prayers & Squares ministry is “on hold”. Please send us an email if you would like information about this opportunity (
Men’s Breakfast
Every other month, the men get together for breakfast at the church. They eat and have a devotional.
Prayer Team
Fairacres Baptist is a praying church. Our prayer team communicates electronically to spread prayer requests to the team of prayer warriors that are dedicated to seeing miracles happen through prayer.
For more information about an activity, please send your question to the email address below.
If you have a prayer request, please email it to